Vitamin C – Lao Style!

Since the last post was about the questionable choice of meat here, I’d like to show you some typical Lao fruits today. Some of them, I have come to love dearly by now, like the fiery red Dragonfruit. It’s best eaten chilled with yoghurt and sooo refreshing. You can cut it like Avocado, or peel it or even just scoop the flesh out like you do with a Kiwi.

Then there are the huuuge, prickly Jackfruits and the (easily confused) spiky Durian. The latter is the stinky one, remember 😉 Not even kidding, in some places you are not allowed to bring these fruits because of their very distinct, foul smell. But they are tasty! It’s a bit like with Swiss Cheese that smells like old feet but is delicious nevertheless. Then, there are Rambutans, which honestly look like little fluffy, angry Pokemons to me 😀

They are certainly one of the weirdest fruits I have seen so far… They taste similar to Longans and all two taste a bit like Lychees. But less sweet. Mangosteen, I first mistook for passion fruit and those Asian Lime-Oranges for Limes. And Tamarind I took for a root or nut, but by now, I am a HUGE fan of the jam they make out of them. Such a treat! And Lotusflower seeds? I stared at them and had to think of a shower head! You pick out the hazelnut-shaped seeds, crack and eat them. Quite a bit of effort for such a small reward if you ask me…

Needless to say, I made an utter fool out of myself more than just a couple of times when I didn’t know how to open a fruit, when I ate parts that Lao people spit back out etc. And you don’t even want to know how clumsily I opened my first coconut…. Ah well, learning by doing.

Speaking of coconuts, I’m only showing you pictures of fruits that you probably don’t know from back home. But of course, you can find familiar ones as well: Bananas, mangos, pineapples, apples, passion fruits, papayas, pomelos, starfruits and – as I already mentioned before – coconuts are commonly eaten in Vientiane. Mhhhhh so delicious!

3 thoughts on “Vitamin C – Lao Style!

  1. Can´t stop thinking of asian fruits right now… Shouldn´t have read the post in the first place. Just wanna get up and find myself some delicous dragon fruit with youghurt ^^

    Did you take the pictures yourself? Looking good!


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