About this blog

Hey there!

We are Gesa and Sebastian, a German couple that first got in touch over a mutual friend in 2014. Back then, this friend stated that we were ‘just perfect for eachother’ – what a cheesy thing to say… But it turned out that she was right: We just CLICKED on the first date. Since this fateful night, we’ve shared many great and awful travel moments. Right now, we are busy finishing our Masters in Natur Conservation and Sustainable Energy Systems and live in the charming city of Potsdam, surrounded by old castles, parks and forest. But that doesn’t mean we settled for good, the next trips are already planned!

Who are we?

Just two people who enjoy to read, cook, travel and laugh. She’s a Vegetarian and big fan of green smoothies. He is the son of a former butcher but has become quite fond of her smoothies by now. Both are sport and outdoor addicts. Most certainly dog persons. An overall adventurous couple with ants in their pants, itchy feet and a never ending bucket list.

Profilbild FF


“Wait! Don’t forget me, hooman!” True, there’s also the furbaby. German Shepherd lady Ria joined the pack in December 2018 and is doing her very best to grow into those huge paws and floppy ears. The prospect of sharing many adventures together is thrilling! One babystep at a time…


What’s the story with this blog?

Well, we like to travel. A lot. Gesa caught a severe travel bug back in Australia, Sebastian an equally bad one in New Zealand. She started writing about her trips years ago and soon enough, Sebastian wanted to join in and make it a shared project. We’re intending to feed this blog with way more input and to further improve its design – so stay tuned. Until then: Thanks for stopping by and have fun digging through our babble 🙂

Oh yeah and we almost forgot:


Feeding WHAT? Feeding WHO??

Fernweh! It’s a German word that we love dearly. It describes the feeling that is responsible for our itchy feet. This craving to be somewhere else – far away in the best case. It’s curiosity mixed with longing and there is no English word for it. Maybe Travel Bug and ours is one hell of a hungry beast. If you suffer from the same disease, we’re happy to provide snacks in form of stories and footage 😉 Below, you can see all the countries we have travelled so far (30, tbu).


StepMap Traveled-So-Far